my holidays was nth but full of fun..
wedwent to maran house witsurrenm.kumaranmavinsivapriya thanusiyavinod kannaTo meet kayyathri priyalatha thaslim and maran..we then went to sheng shiong to do our shopping..haha..went ecp..a day full of fun..swam till 12 midnight alll..something i hhave never done b4 in my life..hahanight that i will never 4get..jeevan ghazli muzamil surren all joined us..more things happen..but haha i shall not blog abt it..thursdayin the morning we all left east coast..we had we all went to maran house to rest and have our shower...his house look like some wedding house=)every1 dressing up and all..hahawe went to sch!!we had AGMthen wen were planning wat to we went to ics roomall slep like till 1am...then we went to 7 11then went bernerd house..alot of things happen..then came back sch more things happened..then all of tried to sleep..thanks to those brave ones arnd us!!fridaywoke up at 12 plus..then all of us without bathing when makan place..smelly smelly..the guys were so cute when they were drunk..esp jeevan=)we watch them place soccer..hahafunny ppl=)came back like 1030 after 3 days of funnesslove u guys many many

puppy already paid for my BILL...
from now onwards i gonna control my bill as i promise him..
was too bored at hme...
so decided to go danz arena..
i saw lots of my sec sch frens...
really miss those times..
i talked to some of them..
some i just could smile..
too shy to talk..=(
all grown up...
didnt expect to see him.
all things happen for a reason..
i can say i m much happier now..
i know e the world way much better..
i love the way life is now=)

Today was the last day of my papers..
sch filled with so much of excitment and all..
went to queensway with
maran and mavin wanted to buy shoes..
so we companied them..
while they were buying shoes we were eating kathong laksa
so little u know..
so angry
went back to sch..
while the guys went to play soccer the girls wanted to do something sporthing
priya and me went jogging all the way to sunset and back
on our way back we went to sunset park to do cruches
150 crunches..(no joke)
after that we played captains ball..
it started raining...
all gathered back to the ics room
then we planeed to go 4 night walk
we were walking around sch but lights were on
we went to see the seniors dance
a while later left
reach home like 10.30..
now playing crazy taxi..
gonna have gd sleep=)
This game gonna end REAL soon..
WAIT and SEE..

was difficult facing every1..
managed to..
then was very upset..
went to the lib..
saw him sitting,
went to sit beside him..
he did not even utter a word..
then we left to dhoby gaut..
he walk to fast..
i wanted to talk but was unsure hw his reaction would be..
then i was mood out..
rias kepp asking me why i was like tat..
i gave no answer...
NOWDAYS, i just wanna be ALONE..
went swensens wit
things are not the same anymore...
i wonder why...
not a lil upset but alot..
i need some1s shoulder to cry lungs out..
had a long day..
but was sure that i wasnt myself..
i am sorry if i spoiled any1s mood cause of it..
i love u guys lots..
u ppl mean lots to me..
as i always say, i wont do this again..
pls beleive in me..
Today was a day i ll nvr 4get..
we did no think abt the consequences..
i donno y i did it..
i couldnt take it wen she cried..
i couldnt control myself
why must things end up this way..
i donno how i going to face those ppl..
i nvr gonna talk to him*..
i think i disappointed him the second time..
i always talk to him abt my problems and all..
i am sad that i have no one to talk my problems out..
i just cant face u!!!
i wanna burry myself..
i just cant take this..
this is not wat i want..
thanks to all who took care of us..
i am sorry gayathri 4 nt plaing captains ball...
i am sorry for making all of u all irritated cause of our stupid actions..
today was a very fun day..sch ended at 1..had to do the nr thing..after that went to ics roomall wanted to go kfc..but i miss in the end went KFC..renukhasivathaslimpratheepriassuganthigayathripriyalathamy dear fren siva had a plan for i planned to do it wif we went to check out the price for our budget.then went up to kfc..then we were comparing prices allthen the GIRLS went down to experiment and all...then we decided to buy..then THE GIRLS finished it..we went bernerds house..we saw people there..damn fun..then we wanted to walk out..then while walking we wanted some adventure..we started walking..we shouted all kinds of nonsense..then we went through the lane..saw big big houses..The houses were super big..we went to an extend to tell the 'owner' that we are architecture students and all..then we all wanted to buy those kind of houses went we grow up..hahaif it was possible..we went back to sch..
to so call study..
studied for a while..
renukhathaslimgayathrimaran riasashwin vivegananandthen at 9 after studying we were playing who was the stongest..
we were making them carry us and all..
all were equally strong...
And then we went to the bustop..
as usual sily mistakes..
kept laughing..
tickling each other and all...
tmr we planning to go gym and and jogging..super fun..
worst day of 2009..
donno wat to do?
its a problem tat I was keeping in me for a very long time..
noone will ever know I m suffering frm a problem like this..
I feel like gg to a field nearby to shout out everything..
exams coming..
fought wif him..
I shouldn't have..
it was my fault..
I promise nt to do tat again..
trust me..
I donno hw I gg to survive without it...lets see
step 1: find a lepak! spot
step2: decide weather u wan lepak alone or wif frens
step3: clear head off all wories
step4: tak it easy
njoy e hapenings ard uhaha...He told me this..So nice of was a super fun day...
had seafood with family...
good food...but came home and felt giddy..
i got scolded 4 eating so full..
just finished my NR..
gonna go to bed...
nights ppl
its hard=(
I m trying...
ppl stop telling me abt it...
I know wat I m doin...